plated piled with nachos

Nacho Bar

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Everyone loves nachos. Nachos are gooey and cheesy, but sometimes you don’t get that goodness on every bite. Then there is the how do you eat healthy while eating nachos. I mean really. The cheese, the guacamole, the beans, the meat, it’s all a lot of food.

nacho bar

So we’re making it a bit lighter this year and turning nachos into a build-your-own-nachos thing. Yep, we’re creating a “thing”.

So we’ve got spicy jalapenos for those who like it hot. We’ve got black olives, cilantro and diced avocados with fresh lime for squeezing on top. We’ve also got some pepper and onions that we sauteed with Latin Heat seasoning, of course. Then there is the base, we’ve got Tots, that’s right the old Tater Spud Puff Tot rears its ugly head and stumbles to the nacho bar. We’ve got tortilla chips because, well it’s not nachos without them. We’re up-ending healthy by actually serving raw veggies for a nacho build-upon. Yes, go ahead and stack up that broccoli and cauliflower and then cover it with a gooey cascading flow of cheesy meaty queso and keep on stacking.

The queso is the star here of course. And our recipe for queso is amazing and, dare we say, more healthful than regular queso.

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