Homemade Pastrami
January 26, 2022
by Jennifer
The first time I made this recipe I was blown away by the intense flavor the steakhouse spices give the brisket.
Prep Time
1 hour
Cook Time
5 hours
Wait Time
72 hours
Total Time
6 hours

Brisket- full brisket cut into 3 or 4, 5lb chunks (fit into a 1 gal zip top bag)
Because weight varies, this recipe is for each 5lb section of brisket. For a 15 lb brisket make 3 batches if the brine. Sometimes I will buy a full brisket and cut off the larger section to use for smoked brisket and burned ends and the small half to make 2 chunk of pastrami. Because it’s thinner it will take more flavor of the pickling quicker.
- Brisket!- full brisket cut into 3 or 4, 5lb chunks (fit into a 1 gal zip top bag)
- Because weight varies, this recipe is for each 5lb section of brisket. For a 15 lb brisket make 3 batches if the brine.
- Brine spices!
- ½ cup kosher salt
- ¼ cup Sauce Goddess Super Chunk Steakhouse spices
- ¼ cup Sauce Goddess Sweet Heat spices
- Dry Rub for smoking!
- 2 Tbsp Sauce Goddess Super Chunk Steakhouse spices
- Fill a large pot with ½ gallon of water.
- Add spices and bring to the boil.
- Remove for the heat and bring to room temperature.
- Add 2 cups of ice.
- Cool brine until the ice has melted.
- Please brisket chunk in brine so the liquid completely covers it. If there is space, keep filling with chunks of meat.
- Or use a zip top bag and place in the brisket inside and enough brine to cover the chunk.
- Let the meat brine for at least 3 days. If you’re using the bag method make sure you rotate the meat around in the bag so it all gets properly brined.
- Remove meat from brine and dry. Cover.
- Let rest one day.
- Rub mat completely dry.
- Rub with Super Chunk.
- Place in smoker until meat is cooked and tender.
- Slice and serve.