Hawaiian Chicken and Bacon Skewers
This recipe is a great version of traditional Hawaiian style skewers with an added tweak – bacon! Sauce Goddess Sweet & Tangy Mop Sauce brings together the pineapple and pepper flavors into a mouthwatering tangy treat. It’s versatile enough for most any kind of meat, so if you’re in the mood for steak or just want to double up on the pork mix them in or swap out for the chicken.

- 8 skewers (if they are wood, soak for 30 minutes in water)
- 8 slices of bacon
- 2 lbs chicken, boneless skinless thighs are nice and moist
- 3/4 cup Sauce Goddess Sweet & Tangy Marinade and Mop sauce
- 1 sweet onion, cut into chunks then separated into slices
- 1 red bell pepper
- 1 cup pineapple chunks
Chicken Prep
- Cut chicken into 1-2 inch cubes.
- Place Sweet & Tangy sauce into a zip top bag and add chicken chunks.
- Remove most of the air and zip closed.
- Place in fridge overnight.
Skewer Creation
- Start each skewer by first adding a pepper slice and then an onion slice.
- Add one end of a strip of bacon (one per skewer). Do "NOT" move the bacon down the skewer. You need to move it only far enough to get another ingredient on so it will be tightly woven.
- Add the chicken then move down slightly and add pineapple, onion and pepper.
- Gently stretch the bacon and run the skewer thru it a second time.
- Continue with chicken, onions, pineapple and pepper, weaving one strip of bacon every 2 " or so.
- Heat your grill to 300 at most.
- Place skewers on the grill and cook slowly to make sure the bacon and chicken are both cooked completely.
Optional Added Tanginess
- Baste with fresh Sweet & Tangy Mop sauce as desired while the skewers are cooking.