Frequently Asked Questions
Why is it important that your sauces are smoke-free? Jennifer’s Dad (the originator of the sauce) didn’t like liquid smoke. Our entire family can’t stand smoky BBQ sauce. The other issue is really with what liquid smoke is and isn’t. It isn’t real. It’s a flavoring. We don’t use any flavoring in anything we make. Besides how is it possible that smoke can be liquid? Really, think on that.
Why do you list spices on your label and not tell us everything that is in the product? I heard “spices” means a product can have MSG. We list all the ingredients that have nutritional value in accordance with the FDA guidelines. We also list No MSG on our products because we are not hiding MSG under the term “spices”.
Why do your products cost more than main stream sauces and spices? We use only the real food ingredients to make ours. A lot of the large companies use water and Xanthan gum to make a sauce appear thick even though it has been “watered down”. Because we don’t water down our flavors, our products always will have the most intense flavor and give you the most “mileage” in terms of how many meals you can make.
Why do you use sugar and not another sweetener or no sugar? That’s easy, we use real brown sugar in particular in our bbq sauce because of the way it caramelized on the grill. There is no other sweetener that acts exactly like brown sugar. We also think that most things are ok in moderation including a bit of sugar.
Do you offer Free Shipping at saucegoddess.com? Yes we do! We have an ongoing Free Shipping with a $75 order. So don’t spend just $60 in your cart if it’s going to cost $15 to ship. Add those items that you might want to try, get that cart to $75 and let us pick up the shipping cost.
What is the best way to keep the shipping cost low if we’re not spending $75? There are 3 factors affecting your shipping cost. Carrier Choice– there are some items that must ship UPS (jugs and large combination orders), otherwise, USPS Priority mail is actually the most cost effective. Delivery Address– with carriers like UPS and FedEx there are always additional charges for home delivery, rural delivery and extended rural delivery (in the boonies). Those vary from $4-10.25 per package. Packing materials-We do like to pack carefully and make sure everything arrives to you in good shape and we pay people to pack for us. It’s actually one way we give back. If you have the choice of shipping to a business address or shipping your purchase via USPS, that will save you money.
Do you offer rewards to subscribers and frequent shoppers on your site? Yes we recently added a rewards program. And we keep in touch with frequent customers and our community through our Insider Newsletter.
Why the company motto “if you don’t lick your fingers, someone else will”? Gosh it’s just super funny. Plus, if you’re making finger food with sauce on it, you’ve got sauce on your hands, don’t waste it.
Have a question for us? Contact us.