Grilled Artichokes with Lemon Butter
This is a great variation on simple steamed artichokes. The toasty flavor is worth the extra time.
August 24, 2015
by Jennifer
Veggies, Salads and Sides
Serving Size
1/2 an artichoke
Cook Time
1 hour, 10 minutes
Total Time
1 hour, 10 minutes

- 4 large artichokes
- 3 tsp Sauce Goddess Original Super Chunk
- Olive oil
- 2 lemons (Meyer lemons if you can find them)
- 1 stick butter
Prepping the Artichokes
- Trim the stem ends of the artichoke.
- Fill a large pot with 4-6 cups water. Should be 3 inches up the side of the pot.
- Insert a steamer basket or colander to hold the artichokes.
- Place artichokes in basket, cover with a lid and bring pot to a boil.
- Cook on high for 30 minutes (your cook time may vary) until the stems feel tender but not mushy. Testing with a fork is fine. It’s should insert firmly but easily.
- Let artichokes cool completely.
- Once cool, slice each one in half lengthwise.
- Now the fuzzy “choke” needs to be removed. The choke is the inner part of the leaves that is soft and furry but is not edible. Cut around the choke area with a sharp knife taking care not to cut through. The slice resembles a smile. Using one hand on the leaves and one hand to hold the artichoke in place, grab the inside purple leaves. Pull down towards the fuzzy choke area. The entire choke and purple leaves should pull out. Make sure all the fuzzy choke hairs are removed completely.

Grilling the Artichokes
- Preheat grill on medium heat.
- Drizzle artichokes with olive oil on both sides.
- Sprinkle with 2 tsps of Original Super Chunk and place cut side up on a medium grill.
- Cook 10 minutes until lightly browned.
- Flip to cut side down and cook another 10 minutes.
- For dipping sauce, melt butter and add the juice of both lemons and tsp of Original Super Chunk.
- Pour sauce into a bowl for serving.
- Serve all artichoke halves on a single platter with dipping sauce and an empty plate for the leaves.